Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Barack Hussein Obama

The first time I ever saw or heard of Barack Obama was when he gave the speech at the Democratic Convention for John Kerry.
Senator Barack Obama gave a jaw dropping intelligent speech that left many people saying “Wow, we have someone that smart in the senate” and why haven’t we heard more from him?
Soon after that I heard rumors that he was being urged to run for President in the 2008 election 

The following is a transcipt of a speech by Barack Obama at the
Democratic National Convention on Tuesday, July 27, 2004:

When he announced his intention to run for President, I was not really supporting him as I thought he did not have a chance to win. He was the only African American in the Senate and had only been there for 2 years. America has not fully recovered from racism, though we talk a good game, it is still there.
 I really wanted Hillary to win and still believe she would make a great President. That vote in favor of Bush’s war did her in, no matter how many times she explained how they were lied to by the” Lying Liars” in charge, it just didn’t wash with the voters.
I loved Joe Biden but knew he could not win the nomination because he is too outspoken and truthful.
My 2 sons, who are both very political kept saying to me “Obama is the one, He is what we need” I really liked what he had to say and believed he would be good for our country but I was still very skeptical that he could win the Presidency. I really liked Hillary  (still do) and was not fond of some of the comments Michelle was making in her rallies, but again my brilliant sons told me “give her a chance, she has been thrown into this arena without political experience, she will find her way”
When Obama won the nomination I was very surprised and still not sure he could win the general. When he chose Joe Biden for VP, I began to fall in love and they had my strong support. When he chose Hillary for Secretary of State my love was complete.
We need this man as our President for 6 more years, not just 2. He is the best!

Monday, September 27, 2010

Welcome to my World

I love politics, I have a very strong liberal bias. I love our country and have very strong views about what's right and what's wrong with our country. Did you notice I did not say "My Country" as so many people do. It is not my country, I don't own it and neither do they. It is our country. It belongs to the millions of us and we need to learn to get along and share this wonderful land of ours and all it has to offer.
Our country is made up of wonderful people of every race and religion, many different skin colors and many different beliefs about religion. Many languages have been brought to our shores and gradually developed into English with old country traditions being kept into certain neighborhoods and families.
It has brought us so many cultures that have enriched us over the years from Mexican food, Italian restaurants, Chinese food and on and on. You all know what I mean.
A very large group of our people have different opinions about politics and are quite vocal about their ideas. That is actually a good thing when they offer common sense ideas and are willing to have rational discussions about why they feel the way they do. However, so many of them do not know why they feel the way they do, they just do!
This is where the problem comes in, if you can't support your argument with facts then you don't have one.
We also have quite a few people who disagree about religion and insist that anyone who does not believe they way they do is not only wrong but somehow akin to the devil.
When their feelings about our first black President can't be translated into facts and reason they resort to lies, name calling and comparing him to Hitler. It makes absolutely no sense.
I was born in the South, I know about racism, I grew up with it. I was one of the lucky ones, it just didn't stick! Not trying to be perfect here, I've had my moments.
More tomorrow.....

Just getting started with my thoughts!

Great quote from Minnesota Supreme Court Justice Alan Page concerning politics and our educational system.
"When all is said and done, more is said than done"